Hey guys!! Who would like a tour of the Anastasis?? (Lovingly referred to as "Annie" by those who serve on her.)
Well, I just got off work, and would like to give you a missionary version of a virtual tour ;)
First, lets start at the gangway...

And oh look, here is the guard gate and where they have dock devos for the patients as they are waiting to get on the ship.
Ok, now lets go in. First, wave hi to the reception lady. They work 24 hours a day to leave messages for us if we miss calls from home :) So always feel free to call!

Alright, lets first go to my room, it's conveniently located on the main level, also called "A deck". Here is the corridor. Notice the fun hurdles and narrow turns. Imagine carrying huge suitcases over these your first night. yeah...

This one is my favorite. Some mornings, I'm not very graceful getting over this... as demonstrated here.

Oh here we are! 6A... home to 5 of the greatest girls, but can hold up to 6. Did I mention that it slants to one side? (actually, both that far wall and the floor. You need to think of that when you decide which side to put your pillow.) My bunk is the bottom one.
And lets see what it looks like today out our window ;)

By this time its dinner and I'm hungry. Lets go to the pacific dining room.

Here's Debbie, Andrea and me eagerly awaiting our meal shown below. Depending on when we get a container with supplies in, it can be a very mix matched meal :)

Next I want to show you some of the upper parts of the ship. We'll go up the main staircase that will take us up to the Med Lounge, Ship store and deck.

Here is the Ship Store. Always open to walk through with a little seating area. On the other side is the Mediterranean lounge. (ie the "Barnes and Noble"/hang out place on the ship) It's complete with the Sola Victoria coffee bar where you can buy your favorite caffe latte from donated Starbucks goods for 50 cents.

Before we go outside, lets take the back way down the steps to two decks down. I need to show you the medical corridor and the entrance to the "ward"...my home away from home.

This will take you past the three surgical rooms, pharmacy, the ship's engine room, x-ray room and CT scanner. Below is Daniella, one of my other roomies, who works in the lab where we send any lab work from our patients.
Notice the Christmas lights beautifully decorating the door.

Here we pass the entrance to the ward. Home to 44 patients and approx. 6-10 translators.

Believe it or not, the black "zip line" looking contraption is the pulley system we use to lower our patients down with from surgery to the ward. Don't worry I'll add a picture later on to show you. It's quite the site to see.
And now on to one of the upper decks passing the lovely christmas tree our deck crew has made to ring in the season. It's complete with hard hats for ornaments :)

Here we are! Finally outside! I hope you all enjoyed your little walking tour. Thanks for being such good sports! :) There are so many other things to see, but hopefully this gave you a better idea of where the Mercy Ships team lives and serves. Love you all!