Christmas Eve- everyone was excited for the next day and preparations were being made for a day full of fun. We spent Christmas Eve afternoon caroling around the Tema port to the different ships. A very hilarious experience I am not likely to forget anytime soon. :) Later we had a blast making Christmas ornaments with the missionary kids- here we have featured beautifully strung popcorn. :)
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the ship....
Here Kat and I were getting into mischief on Christmas Eve. Not really- just sneaking around looking at all
the wonderful gifts people had outside of their doors :) We dressed for the occasion.
We were able to take all of the ward patients upstairs to watch the Christmas play- they loved it! So much fun~
This is after the Christmas Eve service- we enjoyed cups of coffee, cocoa and Christmas cookies in the lounge.
I was always bad at peaking before I should on Christmas Eve :) We all adopted Holland's tradition of putting a shoe out of our room on Christmas Eve- I was amazed at the generosity and creativity of the crew. By morning every shoe on the ship was overflowing with cards, candies and small gifts. A great and fun tradition I would love to adopt! Here is mine:
Christmas morning... one of the most memorable and meaningful I have had. Only a couple of us worked that morning, and when we came down, the night crew had packed gifts for the patients in individual pillowcases and had them at the ends of the beds. The ward was decorated and we were ready to wake everyone with some Christmas morning cheer! :)
The crew had donated so many gifts for the patients. Whole outfits, shoes, school supplies... and the list goes on. Samwuse, the beautiful girl below, was shocked as we continued to pull out shiny colored packages and gifts from the bag. She had never received anything like that before... The lovely lady on my left is her mom and has been the biggest blessing as she easily "adopts" the younger orphaned patients on the ward. Here are some other very special ladies we have on our ward currently. Some amazing stories among them. Please keep them in your prayers.
Here are "my boys". I know that these boys have a very special spot in my heart- Let me introduce them to you :)
Top Left: Moses- handsome young man who is always goofing around with the younger boys and likes to be "my helper" on the ward. Currently I'm teaching him some dance steps and he's teaching me drums. Loves the Lord and is so hungry to learn and to ready the Bible. I keep telling him I hope he grows up to be a preacher one day :)
Top Middle: Fredrick- One of the boys. Always helps gives me instructions on how to do his dressing change better! :) Always excited to listen to whatever music I have brought down to the ward- currently learning to love... David Crowder and Vaunted Pleasures (shout out to you Rhenstrom!!)
Top Right: "dad"- one of the dad's of our patients. Very smart man- likes to keep me on my toes ;)
Bottom Left: Robert- oh my...melt my heart. My buddy and kindhearted friend. Shared his testimony on Sunday in church- very touching. Will be the kindest and gentlest dad one day. Loves card games- well all these boys do ;)
Bottom Right: Daniel- I know you shouldn't have favorites...but it happens. My little singer and performer. Drove me around yesterday on the kids "tro-tro" while we were on the playground. Loves Christmas- so excited about bubbles and surprises. He and I have our own little Gospel concerts on the ward. :)

Christmas Dinner with the crew. The dining hall was beautifully decorated with snowflakes and Christmas decorations. Such a great time to corporately thank God for His incredible gift- His Son Jesus Christ...
I bring you good news of a great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord...
~Luke 2:10-11
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