For being out in the middle of the Atlantic... we find alot of ways to keep ourselves entertained.
My roomate's birthday was alot of fun to celebrate. Andrea is from England, and most of the time, I have fun picking on her for her Bristish ways. Today, we embraced them! So we threw her a very British style tea party~

Later that afternoon, Steph and I decided to go explore the Bridge. Josh was great and taught Steph and I all about the map, Atlantic currents and details about our treck from Ghana to Liberia. We tried to look like we completely understood all the nautical lingo.
Sure Josh, we completely understand...

What's this? Yes! You bet... I got to steer the Anastasis! You can see the progression of my confidence building in the following pictures. Here I'm thinking, "ok, I think I have this thing down..." (Notice Nathan to the left looking carefully for oncoming ships ).

Oh.. wait, wait! How do I work this thing?

Later that evening, it was rootbeer floats and basketball outside.
We tried our hand at Scottish dancing inside. Imagine 100 people trying Scottish dancing on a rocking and swaying ship- quite a halarious experience :)
Our last full day out at sea. Fully loved every moment of it. Excited to see what tomorrow brings...
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