(Two of my favorite boys- Garrett from Canada and Tom from Holland. The fish is Liberian.)
Tuesday evening- after working my four night shifts- I was ready for a non-nursing, relaxing evening. So at dinner I asked Garret, "so Garret, what's going on tonight?"
His reply: "Wanna go fishing?"
Sure! :) I was interested to see where and with what...
Off the side of the dock it was with some makeshift fishing line and lures. Bait used? Lamb and bread from dinner. Hey whatever works, you know?
So enjoy pictures from our little adventure. It's random moments like this that I will truly miss...

Here is one of many fish that Garret caught. He has some weird magical touch. It took him approximately 3 seconds to catch a fish- in total he probably caught about 15. Here he is proudly displaying one of his catches.

There was quite a crowd that formed on the decks above as cheers went up as a fish was caught. We are easily entertained.

And just for the record, I caught two little fishies :)
Sunset that very evening. This is the first sunset I've seen here where the sun set on the water. Beautiful...

"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men" - Matthew 4:19
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