"Be on the dock by 7 if you don't want to miss her!!" Solfrid, our Executive Director on the Anastais gave us solemn warning to be up, ready and presentable that Wednesday morning. The day we had had been fasting, praying and working for, dreaming of, wishing to become a reality, was about to. After 8 years of hard labor, earnest prayer, persistant faith and diligence from thousands of individuals, the Africa Mercy was about to find her new home along the shoreline of West Africa.
Over the last few months, a couple Mercy Shippers have become friends with the guys that run the tugboat for the port. One has been to our Bible study a couple times- so they were really excited when a couple of us wanted to ride the tug to bring in the AFM-- and so we did!!

The Ana was decorated in all her splendor and the decks and dock was packed with people and flags rejoicing for her arrival.

Song and dance greeted the AFM crew along with our flags, symbolizing the many nations that are represented throughout the crew members. It was a beautiful day- a gift from our Heavenly Father, all praise goes to Him.

*Check out http://www.mercyships.org/ to see video of the ship's arrival & passing the torch ceremony*
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