Well... on May 12th, my buddy Ben Cubbage and I had the privilege of planning and hosting the games of the M/V Anastasis' Super Saturday. It was definitely an Olympic worthy event. With both of us having been involved with Young Life previously.... the day was sure to be packed with crazy, weird, disgusting games in order to bond our already close crew even closer! What a blast we had!
Sign up sheets went up where people could sign up their team. Next they had to come up with a costume and theme song for their team. I was giving out their points.. and boy did I expect hard time and creativity to be put into them!! We had major events such as.... the three legged race... bean spitting... human sculptures (team style)... face painting... just to get them started.

The real fun started though when I pulled out the game that requires both speed, skill and courage. As you can see above, teams elected two members. One was to make a PB&J sandwich with their feet and then feed it (with their feet) to their team mate that was lying on the ground. (As seen above). The first one to finish eating the WHOLE thing won. I was amazed at what great sports everyone was. For it is one thing to make kids you don't know do this... it's another when they are all the family you live and work with. ;) No one has held a grudge as of yet.

The fun continued with eating mystery meals, putting shaving cream on your head and seeing how many fruit loops your team mates could throw and stick to it, etc... The day was packed full of fun.

We wanted to do a Land Rover pull but ran out of time because of this next game... Splish and Splash. At first different teams competed, trying to knock their opponent into the water with a pillow. But then, as the fun went on, we had everyone joining in including the captain against his son, husband against wife, roommate against roommate (all done in love I'm sure ;)).

What a great day to cherish our last few moments as just the Ana crew, for soon we were to meet a couple hundred new friends on the AFM. And just so you all know, we rewarded everyone for their hard work and sportsmanship. ;)
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