Monday, April 23, 2007


A couple weeks ago, John David came to Mercy Ships as a patient. We did not know at that time that he had been separated from his daughter for 18 years due to the civil war. One evening on the ward there was a flutter of excitement as we noticed something unique about a particular visitor at his bedside...

His daughter had just recently moved back to Monrovia, but this time as a wife and mother of 4. During a conversation with a distant relative, she learned that her father had just been admitted to Mercy Ships for surgery... and to our ship she came!!

That evening was amazing, as father and daughter, separated for most of her life, were reunited.... God is good...

The next morning he was able to meet his grandchildren for the first time.

The pictures below are of his homecoming from Mercy Ships. To God be the glory and all praise...

Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. ~ Psalm 68:5

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