This is Fatima Orphanage. An orphanage started by World Vision, and now the home of over 180 children. Two amazing women, Mama Young (seen below) and Mama Kofa take responsibility for all of the children and assistants. Mama Young has served these young ones for many years and transported these children to safety during the years of civil war. Both of them amaze me- definite prayer warriors and both have a deep love for the Lord from years of walking with Him. As a side note, please keep Mama Young in your prayers as she was admitted to the local hospital this week for health complications.

Below is a picture of the dining hall. The roof was not well built, and blew off in a recent rain storm. A couple of the Mercy Ships crew members have fallen in love with this orphanage and have since raised support to not only employ a crew to finish the roof, but also to add a latrine and boys' dormitory.

I was introduced to a small boy named Jimmy, age 9, that had an umbilical and inguinal hernia. He eventually came to the ship for treatment and was my patient while he was here. Jimmy is an exception though, for many of the orphanage children will go untreated.

It was really neat to already know where he had come from, and to help take him back to the orphanage when he was discharged. While on board, Jimmy was very quiet and didn't say very much. Needless to say, I loved it when he stepped off the gangway, saw that I was waiting to take him home, and he ran to give me a big hug.

Mama Kofa accompanied him during his stay. (She told me many times how nice the break was from having to talk all the time- being in charge of 180+ children... I can only imagine!!)

Below is a picture of one of the boys' rooms currently. Multiple children sleep per bed, and they are without covers for the mattresses or sheets. The roof of this dormitory is in need of much repair.

As the government is trying to revise the orphanages in Liberia- they are forcing many to close and relocating the children elsewhere. The World Food Program supplies the orphanage with a type of porridge for the kids, but even these rations were cut down this week. A bag of rice here costs $24 US- so we are working to supply the orphanage with rice for meals.

The kids here are beautiful. They are starving for attention and just long for a hand to hold. I love the priviledge it is to hold them while I'm there. As we drive into the village, kids surround the Land Rover and chant Bowie's name : BOW-IE-AH-AH-WEE! These are a couple of the friends that Vern has made.
Three of the guys from the Engineering Dept : Bowie, Vern and Marcell, have been working very hard at getting construction and revisions to the orphanage started. On top of their normal job responsibilities they spend extra hours building relationships with the kids, buying and transporting supplies, fixing bunk beds, windows, etc... Three "tough" guys with the hearts of servants. ;)

Next week Vern and I will be making a trip downtown to buy over 100 pairs of sandals... oh my will that be a fun experience!! :) Our backpacks will be stuffed :)

Here are some of the cement blocks that are being used to build the bathrooms.

Fun and games.

Eleni and I had a blast taking the kids down to the creek to swim. From all over there were squeals as kids were simultaneously running and stripping down just to jump in. After almost 30 + kids had jumped in and had their fun, we all continued walking to a neighboring homestead and visited three pigs, a very cocky rooster and two gentlemen relaxing under a mango tree. From there it was time to head back to the orphanage.

Below is the dining hall, now prepared for the building of the new roof.

Bowie brought a scooter for the kids. Honestly, I was a little nervous as the boys piled on top for a ride. I had a funny feeling that my nursing skills would quickly be needed. Boys will be boys... and sure enough within 5 minutes I was bandaging a nasty looking toe. haha- but still, they loved the new toy. Below is Bowie demonstrating the scooter's fun potential...

I know I have shared this verse with you all before, but today it has really been on my mind... what an honor it is to serve our Lord as His ambassador...
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
1 comment:
Kristen I was recently really thinking about that passage and wrote it in my journal :)
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