Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Birthday to Remember

What a birthday to remember. On February 22, I turned 25- yes... a quarter of a century. I can't tell you how many times I heard that :) I never could have imagined what that day would hold... it exceeded my expectations~

The day started out with being woken up at 6:30 with balloons and presents, one of which was my Ghana soccer shirt I am proudly displaying. Then off to breakfast with close friends and being sung to by 150+ of my dear crew mates... oh dear...

(Raleigh and me- He was the one that picked me up from the airport when I arrived)

Morning devos with the nursing staff- and a suprise birthday cake (chocolate- my fav). When I went to work that morning I found out that Kat had worked it out that we both had the morning off- so we headed off to Accra. Of course with every taxi ride, there is always an adventure. Today we lost our muffler and had to go get a new one. Below is Kat trying to hold the back in as we are driving. Good job Kat.

These guys were working on our car as Kat and I waited. They also got festive and sang Happy Birthday. I recieved a marriage proposal from the one on the left. But don't worry Mom and Dad, I turned him down nicely.

After our detour we went downtown and got to see where how the African drums are made. Once I was home, one of my dear friends here left a suprise on my bed... how kind...

Then, we were all surpised when we found out that the President of Ghana was coming!! Alot of activity began onboard as we prepared for his arrival. I was able to sit in on his speech, and it was phenominal. I wish I had a tape to share with you all, but just take my word for it. He was speechless. He said he expected just a couple medics to be onboard that help do some basic care; he did not expect the spiritual environment that this hospital is. He was moved as he mets patients who had been treated and had the same condition as that of his granddaughter. He was challenged by the faith shown and was deeply grateful.

The President is a very kind and humble man. I was very impressed. He offered for us to stay for Ghana's 50th celebration service- but because of when we needed to be in Liberia- our founder and executive director will fly back to be his guests for the celebration. God truly is faithful.

After, the President returned to Accra, we had a barbecue to celebrate the day and all the Lord had done. A great time with dear friends here on board. I was thoroughly touched by everyone's kindness and thoughfulness. It was definately a day I will not forget...

For You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works, my soul knows it very well. ~Psalm 139:13-14

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