6:30 am. I got up and put on my running shoes. Lauren, Ruthie and I were going to the lighthouse for the last time. As we took some time to sit and reflect on the rocks by the water, I could not believe that this was our last morning in Ghana. I thanked the Lord for His faithfulness... for His mercies that are new every morning... and we started back to the ship.

Activies abound as we finish securing the ship for sail. People started coming to dockside to say goodbye. Preparations were underway to lift the gangway.

(Goodbyes and prayers)
4pm came. Everyone was along the Promenade Deck to wave goodbye to those on the dock. The Tema pilot was on board. Those below were ready for the go ahead to lift the gangway. Engines started- to no avail. Problem?? We didn't know. There was no time frame given for when we would sail.

So we waited.

At 6pm there was a call for all of Mercy Ships to pray. The problem? Possibly a valve, but we didn't know. All the crew met in the International Lounge to pray for the ship and engineers. The 7:30 Celebration Service for end of outreach went on as planned. We were thankful for God's provision that this problem could be resolved while at shore and not at sea.

At 2am that next morning we woke up to the news- we were ready to sail!! Pilot from Tema port on board, gangway lifted, ropes loosened, tugboats ready. For the next 1.5 hours we drifted and were pulled by the tug boats away from the port Mercy Ships has called home for the last 9 months. When finally out past the rock wall, the Tema pilot jumped back into his own boat, whistles blown and farewell waves given from all the Ghanians on the boats. Great way to leave- even if now at 3:30 am. :)

Ghana- you are the country I have called home for the last 3 months. You have opened your arms and hearts to us to share your people, your land and your lives. Because of that, I will never be the same. Our prayers go with you.
The Ghanaian National Anthem
God bless our homeland Ghana,
And make our nation great and strong,
Bold to defend forever
The cause of Freedom and of Right.
Fill our hearts with true humility
Make us cherish fearless honesty,
And help us to resist oppressors' rule
With all our will and might evermore.
Hail to thy name, O Ghana
To thee we make our solemn vow;
Steadfast to build together
A nation strong in Unity;
With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,
Whether night or day, in the midst of storm,
In every need whate'er the call may be,
To serve thee, Ghana, now and evermore.
Raise high the flag of Ghana,
And one with Africa advance;
Black star of hope and honor,
To all who thirst for liberty;
Where the banner of Ghana free flies,
May the way to freedom truly lie
Arise, arise, O sons of Ghanaland,
And under God march on forevermore.
And make our nation great and strong,
Bold to defend forever
The cause of Freedom and of Right.
Fill our hearts with true humility
Make us cherish fearless honesty,
And help us to resist oppressors' rule
With all our will and might evermore.
Hail to thy name, O Ghana
To thee we make our solemn vow;
Steadfast to build together
A nation strong in Unity;
With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,
Whether night or day, in the midst of storm,
In every need whate'er the call may be,
To serve thee, Ghana, now and evermore.
Raise high the flag of Ghana,
And one with Africa advance;
Black star of hope and honor,
To all who thirst for liberty;
Where the banner of Ghana free flies,
May the way to freedom truly lie
Arise, arise, O sons of Ghanaland,
And under God march on forevermore.
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